Changed the backend from arrow to RSQLight to increase reliability and improve performance. Some changes to the interface were necessary to implement this and users should read the readme for updated instructions.
Minor Changes
Fixed bug where create_fish_db failed when a prior cache was present without a revision file.
Adding download_method parameter to create_fish_db to help users download files given their specific limitations
deltafish 0.2.0
Add pkgdown website
Implement EDI data package version checking and specification withn create_fish_db
Remove dependency on duckdb and add dependency to arrow >= v8.0.0
Fix remove_unknown_lengths to ignore 0-counts when finding samples to remove
Change convert_lengths function so it no longer collects the full dataset
Add tests to mirror what was previously tested in package LTMRdata
Reconfigure internals so internal functions can now read/write database from a specificed cache folder
Added a file to track changes to the package.
deltafish 0.1.0
Initialize package and database from EDI data publication